Monday, February 2, 2009

#49(a) Found Words (conversation)

Instructions for this experience are to document an overheard conversation, or, alternately, to collect words that you find interesting. I did both. I sat in a cafe and wrote down all the snippets of conversation that I overheard. I was sitting next to three women, all blond socialite-types, who were having a rather insubstantial conversation, which to them took on the importance of world diplomacy. I wrote for about an hour, documenting their charitable tendencies and concern for feral cats. I wasn’t able to write everything, since a lot of what they said was muffled or drowned-out by ambient noise. So I ended up getting about every other statement. In addition, What I realized upon reading the transcript was that taken out of context, the statements became meaningless collections of words; in order to give them meaning, I paired them with ambiguous imagery that once taken out of their context would also lose their inherent meaning. In this way, new meanings and connections were made.

Some additional statements, or snippets of such:
•, what do you do? Who are you? Who do you represent?
•  Yeah, No. But, umm.
•  He blew up, he galloped, he was off the track.
•  We are exactly where we are.
•  I'm so attached to this it kind of scares me.
•  Do I need a knife and fork or do I need...
•  It was so real, it was like I was on a TV show. [My personal favorite]


  1. It really funny what you had shown me. How conversations can be so interesting after the fact. It is odd that it really relates to that crazy guy we watched on youtube just a little while ago.

  2. make sure you post some of the visual connections you made. also some of the statements you collected that were the most interesting to you.
