Monday, February 9, 2009

#8, #46 and #47 Cracks, Textures, Stains and the Spaces Between

Today Polly handed us a description of the final product of our experience-making. It was titled: making sense of the space between things. This is such a coincidence (a connection??) because, while I was completing my most recent experience, I said to my companion: “It’s not the big things that are interesting to look at, it’s the cracks and the spaces between things that are visually interesting and that make you want to come back to them again and again.” I said this while taking photos of cracks and crevices, stains, rusty metal, graffiti, puddles and odd shapes and objects. I truly believe that it’s the spaces in between (in both objects and ideas) and the elements that you don't usually notice that provide the spark that brings something to life. 
“...transitions from simple to complex are a key consideration in the rhythm of feeling. In this sixth Law [of simplicity], we ask what happens between the beats, and question where you might be in the progress of the song. Once you have properly situated yourself, you're completely free to get lost in the rhythm.”—John Maeda states in The Laws of Simplicity


  1. a wonderful and poetic way to present images that may be otherwise overlooked.

  2. Your approach was much different than mine on this exploration. I really like that you took a notice to things that we pass over on a daily basis and found simplistic beauty in them. bravo!
